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10 to 30 customers a day


What happens to a girl working during a day as a prostitute (traffickied or not) is indeed very difficult to describe - especially if the girl is trafficked and being an actual sex slave. But some studies on the subject may support you with a solid picture of the subject.


Many studies have been carried out in different countries. The picture is more or less the same all over the world.


Seen below are parts of a major analysis done in the USA regarding street prostitution and call girls. Unlike other studies of female prostitute populations that are based on convenience samples, the study named "RAND" utilized an "area/day/shift" design to draw a probability sample of 998 street prostitutes.


Two populations of female prostitutes interested the researchers. First and foremost, they targeted the numerous and visible prostitutes on the streets. Second, they targeted the various groups that make up the less accessible subpopulation of off-street prostitutes - the call girls.


The reader should keep in mind that characteristics of the details of the transaction with the prostitute are based on her perception and unilateral report. 


*Further figures and text is seen in Sex for Sale, Ronald Weitzer, Routledge, 2000. 

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