Payoke is one of three recognized NGOs in Belgium with the mission of assisting and protecting victims of Human Trafficking. Payoke’s mission is to reintegrate the victim in society, either in Belgium or in his/her own country, through legal, psychological, social, and administrative assistance. The organization is also actively engaged in training at the local, national, and international levels, with beneficiaries including military personnel, police,
NGOs, universities, labor unions, and government officials.
Founded in 1987, Payoke has been a pioneer in the fight against trafficking in human beings in Belgium, working relentlessly towards: providing victims the support needed to regain their rights, freedom, and dignity; “waking up” stakeholders to the realities of human trafficking; assisting in the development of a proper legal framework; developing a coordinated and cooperative approach toward victim identification, protection, and prosecution; and using our 20+ year history of lessons learned to provide guidelines and best practices to other players in the field of counter-trafficking.
Leguit 4
2000 Antwerp
T: 32 3 201 16 90
F: 32 3 233 23 24
Similia Foundation
Samilia Foundation was founded in 2007 in Belgium in order to alert and fight sexual and economic exploitation. They are currently active in developing and implementing prevention programmes and social inclusion programmes for ex-victims of THB and/or population at risk in countries of origin (Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Greece, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Benin) and awareness raising in both countries of origin and destination (Belgium mainly). They also have a clear focus on Corporate awareness raising in order to tackle the problem of exploitation in the supply chain and therefore they develop projects with various business leaders. They also develop projects in collaboration with other NGOs active in the field.
Fondation SAMILIA- Fondation d'Utilité Publique
Bld Brand whitlock, 66
T: +32 2 7330094
F: +32 2 7331477
How to support
Bank details: BE32 3630 2339 2602
PAG-ASA is one of three recognized NGOs in Belgium with the mission of assisting and protecting victims of human trafficking. We provide both emergency and long-term assistance, including shelter, legal, administrative and psychosocial support, with a view to reintegration in society. Our services are accessible to all victims of human trafficking: men and women; adults and children; Belgian, EU and third-country nationals; victims from any type of exploitation. The organization is also actively engaged in awareness raising, information, training and policy-work at local, national, and international levels.
Founded in 1994 PAG-ASA is also using its 20 years of experience and lessons learned to share guidelines and best practices to other players in the field. PAG-ASA means “hope” in Filipino language. For the victims, it often means hope for a better future. For us, it means hope for a world where human trafficking ceases to exist.
Cellebroersstraat 16b
1000 Brussels
TEL: +32 (0)2 511 64 64
FAX: +32 (0)2 511 58 68
How to support
Account number: BE20 0011 7035 9156