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Coordination Centre Human Trafficking (CoMensha)


The Dutch Foundation against trafficking (STV) was established in 1987. From 1995 to 2004, STV was the official coordinator of the La Strada project. Since the foundation of La Strada International, STV is one of the nine La Strada member organisations. In 2007, STV decided on a name change to Coordination Centre Human Trafficking (CoMensha), to better reflect its work with female as well as male victims of exploitative working conditions. CoMensha, whilst remaining an independent organisation, is incorporated in the Dutch Shelters Federation and is headed by the national coordinator.

CoMensha maintains regional networks, established to support the shelter and (social) support for trafficked persons. The network consists of shelters, lawyers, social work and welfare groups, (mental) health organisations, police, youth care, (refugee) minor support groups, victim support and local governmental community organisations. Network cooperation takes place with the aim to offer clients the necessary support. If a trafficked person is reported, CoMensha places her/him, if needed, in a shelter home. Then the local network takes over care and support responsibilities, under the coordination of the local care coordinator. CoMensha supports the network by, amongst others, providing consultation about possible solutions for care shortcomings, chairing meetings, offering specific capacity building (trainings) or by supporting negotiations with the local authority about e.g. staff increases.




Coordination Centre Human Trafficking (CoMensha)
Visiting address: Regentesselaan 31
3818 HB Amersfoort
tel: + 31 33 461 50 29
fax: + 31 33 461 80 64





SRTV - Dutch Foundation of Religious against Trafficking in Women (SRTV= Stichting Religieuzen tegen Vrouwenhandel) 

The SRTV is a Dutch national network with international contacts that undertakes different kinds of activities to fight trafficking in women. The 45 members of the committee are lay people and sisters and fathers from 13 different congregations who have worked in various countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The main objective of SRTV is to inform the general public in the Netherlands about Trafficking in Humans. They give talks, lectures, workshops etc. in schools, churches, women groups, rotary-clubs, etc.

The second objective of SRTV is to warn women about the dangers of trafficking via an international network of religious (mainly Catholic sisters, fathers and priests).


For this work they have developed many materials: videos, DVDs, posters, prayers, way-of-the-cross, religious reflections, Newsletters, etc.

The SRTV is convinced that it is more effective to prevent women from falling victim to trafficking: prevention is always better than cure.

The SRTV believes that networking and preventative measures taken in the countries where the victims come from should have top priority.

SRTV incidentally offers help and shelter to the victims, and uses the network to ensure the women a safe return to their homeland.




St. Janssingel 92, 
NL 5211 DA, Den Bosch
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-73-615 44 44



How to support

SRTV Bank Account: NL30INGB0000420557 BIC : INGBNL2A

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