Society Kljuc - Center for Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings
The Society Ključ as the only specialized non-governmental organisation for fight against trafficking in human beings in Slovenia gives concrete help, free of charge, to victims of trafficking in human beings, both foreign citizens who have been exposed to sexual or other exploitation in Slovenia and Slovene citizens who have become victims in the country or abroad: hotline counselling, psycho-social help, help with withdrawal from an endangering situation, crisis accommodation, accommodation in a safe house, help with contacting law enforcement agencies and acquiring residence permit in Slovenia, help with organizing returning to the country of origin and (re)integration programme.
The Society Kljuc – Center for Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings
P.B. 1646,1001 Ljubljana
Telephone line: +3861 23 22 122
Facebook page: Drustvo Kljuc – center za boj proti trgovini z ljudmi
How to support
Bank account no.: 02140-0090841565
IBAN: SI56021400090841565
Name of bank: NLB d.d., enota banke MHL 4005