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IOM Bern


Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. The prevention of and the fight against trafficking in human beings is one of the main tasks of IOM worldwide. IOM has been engaged in combatting trafficking in human beings for more than 20 years and has been providing direct assistance to around 20.000 victims. The projects of IOM are elaborated in the fields of prevention, technical cooperation and direct assistance to victims of human trafficking. IOM’s approach focuses on the 4 P's: Prevention, Prosecution, Protection and Partnership.


Since 2008, IOM Bern is implementing in cooperation with various Swiss institutions a project of voluntary return and reintegration assistance for victims and witnesses of human trafficking as well as for cabaret artists who have been exploited. In 2007, IOM Bern and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs have been organizing a theater piece in order to raise citizens’ awareness of human trafficking. IOM Bern participates as well in the preparation and implementation of various trainings for government members, the police, NGOs and other institutions.


In addition to that IOM Bern has coordinated the implementation of the first Swiss wide Week against human trafficking between October 18th and 25th 2013. IOM Bern took the leadership of the steering committee which included both governmental and non-governmental actors; and implemented 18 cultural events in 12 different cantons. More than 2000 people attended these events, which attracted unprecedented media interest.




IOM Bern

Thunstrasse 11

Case postale 216

3000 Berne 6 

Tél. +41 31 350 82 11

Fax +41 31 350 82 15 




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